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Balanced Living: Exploring Holistic Wellness Practices

Hey there, fellow wellness enthusiasts! Welcome to our cozy corner of the internet, where we are diving into the wonderful world of holistic health. We believe that true well-being goes beyond just physical fitness—it's about nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. From the food we eat to the thoughts we think, from the relationships we nurture to the activities that bring us joy—each element plays a vital role in shaping our overall well-being. Here, you'll find a treasure trove of tips, inspiration, and friendly advice to support you on your holistic health journey. Whether you're curious about meditation and prayer, eager to try out a new exercise plan or simply looking for ways to bring more joy and balance into your daily life, we've got you covered. So come on in, kick off your shoes, and join us as we journey toward greater health, happiness, and wholeness together!

Balanced Living: Exploring Holistic Wellness Practices

Holistic health, also known as integrative medicine, emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit in achieving overall well-being. Unlike traditional medicine, which often focuses solely on treating symptoms or specific ailments, holistic health takes a more comprehensive approach by addressing the underlying causes of health issues and promoting balance and harmony in all aspects of life. By considering the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of health, holistic practitioners aim to support the body's natural healing abilities and empower individuals to take an active role in their own health and wellness journey.

Holistic Wellness - DeVane and Co. Blog

3 Elements of Holistic Health and Wellness

Balance and Harmony: Striving for balance and harmony in all areas of life, including diet, exercise, sleep, relationships, work, and leisure. Eating whole foods, avoiding processed foods as much as possible, getting at least 6 hours of REM sleep each night, surrounding yourself with relationships that encourage and build you up and making time for exercise are a MUST in a holistic health lifestyle.

Prevention and Wellness: Emphasizing preventive measures and proactive health practices to maintain optimal health and prevent illness. Taking vitamins and supplements, herbal medicine, utilizing essential oils, castor oil, coconut oil, garlic, onions, honey, epsom salt : these are among some of the most powerful components in a preventative health lifestyle.

Recommendations: Everyone should be taking a high quality multi-vitamin no matter how old you are. Adults, I recommend Plexus X Factor+ and for kids, Hiya Daily Multi Vitamin. Probiotics are also very beneficial for gut health, ESPECIALLY if you've taken antibiotics for any reason. Adults, I recommend Amy Myers M.D. Probiotics 30 Billion and kids, Hiya Probiotics. In addition: I take Krill Oil, 2 brazil nuts, a pinch of celtic salt and a cup of organic coffee with organic honey, grass-fed collagen and MCT Oil each morning. I take epsom salt baths 3 times a week for detox management.

Krill Oil: is great for brain, heart and cell health. Brazil nuts: are rich in selenium which is one of the main minerals our thyroid needs. Celtic Salt: carries water to our cells. You can drink water all day, but if your cells aren't taking in the water, it's pointless. Just a few crystals on your tongue 3 times a day before drinking your water. Honey: has micro-bacterium fighting properties and is a natural immunity booster. MCT Oil: has been proven to fight against Alzheimers. Just 2 teaspoons a day is all you need. Grass-fed Collagen: supports bone and joint health, strengthens hair, skin, and nails.

Resources: I highly recommend these natural and holistic health books: Back to Eden, Home Doctor, The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies, and The Essential Life. They are packed full of home remedies, herbal recipes and natural cures for most ailments and health issues. Incredible resources to keep on hand.

Self-Care: Cultivate hobbies and practices that bring you joy and fulfillment. These may include exercise, massage therapy, spa days, journaling, reading, writing, painting, coloring and meeting with a therapist if needed. Spending time outdoors is crucial to our health. Natural Vitamin D that comes from the sun can not be replicated the same from a supplement. 10 minutes in the morning is the safest time for sun exposure, as it has the least amount of UV rays. If you absolutely can not be in the sun due to a health issue and must take a supplement, make sure it's a D3 version. I recommend Amy Myers M.D. Vitamin D3/K2.

Balanced Living: Exploring Holistic Wellness Practices

By integrating these holistic practices into our daily lives, we can cultivate greater resilience, enhance our ability to cope with life's challenges, and experience greater levels of vitality, joy, and fulfillment. Take control of your health. Yes, get the opinion of your doctor, but remember - you get the final say! Until next time.......

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